How to Tell If a Female Cat Is Spayed

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It is important to know if your female cat is spayed because cats can get territorial, stop using the litter box, and run off to mate. People often take in a stray cat, and they need to know this information. Fortunately, there are a few ways to determine whether the cat is spayed or not.

Ask Your Vet

This is the easiest way to determine whether the female cat is spayed. If you are taking in a stray cat, you will need to have a wellness check at the vet anyway, and most vets can tell if the cat is spayed. Your vet can tell with a simple blood test because there is a hormone present in cats that are not spayed.

Search for the Scar

When cats are spayed, the vet will shave the belly where he or she makes the incision. After the surgery, a two to three inch scar remains to show that the cat has been spayed.

However, if the cat had laser spay or laparoscopic surgery, the scar may be difficult to spot. With a laser spay, the laser cauterizes the incision, so it leaves less of a scar behind. With a laparoscopic spay, the incisions are as small as 3/16th of an inch, so they are very hard to find.

Wait to See If Your Cat Goes Into Heat

If your cat is spayed, it will not go into heat. However, you will need to wait it out because there are certain times and conditions that are necessary for the cat to go into heat. Most females come into heat between spring and fall, and indoor cats have less predictable heat cycles.

When a female cat comes into heat, it may have long drawn out calls throughout the day. The cat may seem restless and put her tail to the side as she lifts her rear end up into the air. In addition, your cat will be more affectionate, but at the same time, it may try to escape your home. There may also be some bleeding.

It is important to know if your cat is spayed because it will be more difficult to take care of it if it is not. Intact cats tend to wander off to find a mate, and they can be very moody and restless. In addition to the methods above, strays that are caught and released often have a snip of the ear cut off.

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