How to Tell If a Kitten Has Worms

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Worms is a common name for intestinal parasites, and it is a common problem in kittens. There are different types of worms that can be a problem for kittens, and it is important to understand what they are, how to notice them, and how to treat your kitten.

Roundworms are the most common, and they are three to four inches long and resemble spaghetti. Hookworms are shorter than one inch, and they live in the small intestines. Another common type of worms are tapeworms, and they resemble strips of tape. They can be from four to 24 inches long.

Kittens get worms by ingesting other cats’ feces. Outdoor cats and feral cats are more likely to get worms for this reason. Cats can also get worms if they eat infected animals, and mother cats can pass them on to their kittens.

Kittens can get worms in a number of ways, so read on to learn how to tell if your kitten has worms.

Look for Evidence in the Litter Box

You can actually look in the litter box for evidence of worms. Make sure that you use plastic gloves, and use something that you can throw away, such as an old popsicle stick. You can break apart the feces to see if there are any worms inside. Some worms also leave egg packets, and they resemble little sesame seeds. You will be able to see them move around.

You can also check your kitten’s hind end to see if there are any eggs stuck to the fur. If you see any, your kitten probably has worms. In addition, you may find these eggs stuck to your kitten’s bed or other favorite spot for sleeping.

Check Your Kitten for Symptoms

If your kitten has worms, you may notice symptoms. You should pay attention to the way your kitten looks and behaves so that you will notice any differences. If you notice that your kitten is lethargic, this is a sign of worms. Worms take nutrition away from the kitten, which causes it to lose energy. This can be a sign of other illnesses as well, so you will want to investigate further.

If your kitten is vomiting, this can be a sign of worms. They can irritate the stomach lining, which causes vomiting. In addition, pay attention to how your kitten looks. A wormy kitten will have a dull coat, and your kitten might also have a fat belly that almost looks swollen. You may notice that your kitten has lost its appetite as well. If you see these symptoms, your kitten could have worms.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Vet

The most reliable way to find out if your kitten has worms is to schedule an appointment with your vet. You can give them a feces sample, and they will examine it under a microscope to look for worms. They can see most worm eggs using this method, so the vet will know what kind of worms your kitten has. Your vet will also be able to give you the medication your kitten needs to get rid of the worms.

You should collect the fecal sample, and keep it in a container in a cool dark spot until you go in to drop it off. When you bring it in, your vet will also examine your kitten, and he or she will prescribe medication if your cat does have worms.

Worms are a common affliction for kittens and cats, especially if they go outdoors and hunt. It is important to find out if they have worms so that you can treat them. You can do routine deworming for your outdoor kitten; your vet can help you determine the best schedule. This will help to ensure that you catch any worms before they cause some of the more serious symptoms. It is easy to get rid of worms if you notice the symptoms right away and get dewormer.

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