How to tell if your phone is tapped by police

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No one wants to think that there are other people spying on his or her phone conversations or text messages. Still, if you suspect that your phone is being tapped, here’s how to find out for sure.

Listen for background noise

Be attentive while talking on the phone and keep an ear out for any static or background noises. These could be signs that there’s a wiretap on your phone and others are listening in. In addition, you can sit or stand near other devices while talking on your phone to get other hints. For instance, some wiretaps will crackle when the phone is near an FM radio frequency.

Your phone might even make noise when you’re not using it to make a call. Carefully listen to see if there are any pulses, beeps, or clicking noises that emanate from your phone while it’s not in use. This can be a sign that someone has tapped it.

Pay attention to your phone’s battery

If you need to constantly charge your phone when before you didn’t need to, this could signal that there’s a wiretap application running in the background of your phone’s programs. Moreover, if your phone battery gets overheated easily, this could be another sign that it’s being tapped.

Ensure that you’re in control of your phone

Sometimes phones that are tapped will perform random tasks or functions without their owners prompting those commands. If your phone won’t shut down or turn on properly or you notice that applications are running that you didn’t authorize, this could mean that someone is controlling your phone from a remote location.

You might see strange charges and payments on your phone bill for SMS and other apps that you didn’t authorize. This is yet another red flag.

Any phone can be wiretapped and you’re especially susceptible if you regularly leave your phone out in the open without your supervision.

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  1. Just wondering if you guys no way to get rid of it or block it or monitor it backwards I know of the honey pot idea but is there any way to monitor it backwards by live would you have to figure out what app they’re using and thank you so much that information was useful

  2. Hi guys. I know it might be too late to chime in. But I’ve had the same problem, and MORE. Screenshots and all. This has been going on for more than 10 months so I doubt its law enforcement related. And even if it was, this goes beyond snooping…. camera turns on, on its own WHILE IM IN THE RESTROOM! So whoever it is has a close watch. Please help!?

    1. I as well. I have seen that they are putting API code and and using Google analytics to create client secret IDs on your mobile devices under the guise of marketing and watching out for THEIR privacy on their builds. Like if someone creates an extension apparently it gives them some kind of empowerment and rights to YOUR privacy and full access to your data and control of your phone. And take and data mine your life and making lots of money doing it. Darn cyber pirates and their vultures. Look at your system apps for empowerment look at your client ID and your IP..good luck..I’ve been victimized for almost 3 years and have struggled figuring this out from a boomers understanding..
      I’m now looking for the legal way to stop the madness. Care to join me in stand up against it?

  3. What dose it mean when I receive a text saying this phone is being under investigation is it a spam

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