How to Tell If Quartz Is Real

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Quartz is a very popular mineral, and it comes in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Some people are professional rock collectors, and they know how to tell if a crystal is real quartz. They will examine the quartz for certain signs that show that the crystal is real quartz. Read on to learn how to tell if quartz is real.

Check for Imperfections

One way to tell the difference between real quartz and a fake is that real quartz has imperfections that occur naturally. Fake quartz is usually manmade and flawless. You should look for imperfections, including small cracks, cloudiness, or parts where another quartz might have grown. Quartz has grades to distinguish the quality of each piece. Although there are high-quality pieces of quartz, none of them are perfect. You can always find imperfections.

Grade A quartz is the highest quality, and it will have the fewest abnormalities and clear transparency with virtually no cloudiness. The lowest quality is Grade D, and you will find large cracks and damaged points. It will be fragile and easy to break.

Try the Scratch Test

There is a test called the Mohs scale of hardness. This test was developed by a German mineralogist named Friedrich Mohs in 1812, and it is a way to measure the hardness of a gemstone by looking at the scratch resistance. Quartz has a measure of seven on this scale. Because glass has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5, the quartz can scratch glass. It can also scratch metals and any stones that are softer than a seven rating. You can take the quartz in question and try scratching glass or metal. If the quartz leaves a scratch, it is real.

Use the Scratch Test a Second Time

You can also try the scratch test where you scratch the crystal. Start by cleaning the surface of the glass. Examine it for any scratches. You should mark any scratches you find with a permanent marker. Place the corner of the glass against the crystal and apply pressure as you drag the glass across the crystal. If you find a scratch on the crystal, it is not real quartz because glass is not able to scratch quartz.

It is important to know how to spot a fake crystal because there are a lot of them out there these days. There is a huge difference between a manmade fake piece of quartz and the real thing. Many people use quartz for its energy. Real crystals, including quartz, can change in color and develop fractures. In certain conditions, rose colored quartz can change color, and clear quartz can become cloudy.

Natural quartz is found in nature, and it develops over time. It is found in the earth, in cliffs, and in rivers. Fake quartz can be synthetic and made in a lab. These stones are made using the same materials that make up quartz, but the stone will be perfect without any flaws. They are less valuable, and you will want to know if you have one that is synthetic.

Fake quartz is not made of the same materials. It can be made with plastic, glass, resin, or ceramic, and it will look similar to quartz. You should always make sure that you are buying real quartz. Generally speaking, fake quartz is less expensive, unless the seller is trying to pass off an imitation piece as the real thing. It will help if you know how to tell the difference.

One other test you can do is to put the quartz over written words. Quartz will not magnify them, but glass usually will. There are many differences between glass and quartz, and you should make sure that you are familiar with both before you purchase quartz. Look for imperfections, and be sure to perform the scratch test.

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